Name: Nanga

Age: 6

Male or Female: Female

Owner: Jennifer Labar

Musher currently running this dog: Jennifer Labar

Team Position(s): Mostly in team and wheel.

Number of completed Iditarod races: This is her rookie Iditarod race

Current Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Date: March 4, 2023

Temperature: -2



What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Her personality is a cheerleader and a rockstar, I feel like. She is always harness banging and barking, ready to go. She runs mostly with her brother Gash and so they’re always just kind of chest bumping and you know, that sort of stuff.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

Nanga and her litter were named after Himalayan Peaks, so she was named after the Mountain Nanga Parbat and her siblings, her other siblings in the litter are Makalu, Dhaulagiri, which I call Dhaula. Annapurna, who goes by Purna and Gasherbrum, who goes by Gash.

What is the bloodline?

Their bloodlines, their dad is from Jeff King’s kennel and the mom came from Jake Berkowitz’s kennel, but I believe her bloodlines are Dean Osmar and Swingley. Somebody, I can’t think of his first name. I don’t know.



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