Name: Wildfire

Age: 3

Male or Female: Male

Owner: Ryan Redington, Sarah Keefer

Musher currently running this dog: Ryan Redington

Team Position(s): He runs anywhere in the team.

Number of completed Iditarod races: He’s completed the Iditarod in 2021.

Current Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Date: March 4, 2023

Temperature: 1 degree



What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Wildfire is a super cool dog. He’s one that is always on the move. He doesn’t like to relax. He’s always ready for more. He’s the first dog that always cheerleads the team whenever we stop. He’s the first one that barks. And he’s just a really cool and very special dog.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

Fire’s litter was named after Fire. There’s Wildfire, Inferno, Cinge, Scorch.

What is the bloodline?

It goes back to my dad’s bloodlines. And his dad is named Smokey and a little bit of Jeff King bloodlines as well. And yeah, very, very good bloodlines.

Yeah, I’d like to include that Wildfire has came back from a very traumatic injury. We were training in northern Wisconsin, and we had a snowmobile hit-and-run with the team, and Wildfire had a broken leg in three or four spots. And he’s had three or four surgeries, and very extensive rehab, and a great team of veterinarians that help get him back healthy. And he’s been an amazing dog. He finished in the Beargrease with Sarah. And the Beargrease is a 300-mile race in Northern Minnesota. And he was barking at the finish line in third place. Yep, and just an incredible, incredible dog.



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