Name: Razz

Age: 5

Male or Female: Female

Owner: Bridgett Watkins

Musher currently running this dog: Bridgett Watkins

Team Position(s): She is a lead dog. And she runs because she likes to be up front all the time. No matter where we are, that’s where she wants to be in life and so that’s where she stays.

Number of completed Iditarod races: She ran Iditarod last year in lead for me. And I started with her in lead here on Fourth Avenue and never took her out. And so this’ll be her second Iditarod actually with me and her second Iditarod total.

Current Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Date: March 4, 2023

Temperature: Zero degrees



What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Razz is the most fierce, dominant, quiet soul that you’ll see out there on Iditarod. She is mighty, but she has so much power and drive and determination. She wants to do nothing but run. She doesn’t care what you’re doing or what your plans are. She just wants to be on the trail. She is not an emotional dog. She’s just a dog that just likes to be out there and do her job. And she knows her job and she does it really well as a lead dog.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

This dog was actually brought to me from my dad and Aliy, so Allen Moore and Aliy Zirkle from SP Kennel, that are retired now. She came to me as a two-year-old and I actually have had a few litter puppies out of her. And so I did not name her, they named her. She has no siblings with me currently. And so we call her the mother of our kennel because my very first two litters, she was the mother of. So she’s really started off my kennel. She’s been really special to me.

What is the bloodline?

She comes out of Dallas Seavey’s main lead dog Reef. And so I was fortunate enough to be able to get this dog via Dallas Seavey from Reef via Aliy Zirkle now in my hand. So I kind of have the cream of the crop. And you never know where things are going to end up.



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