Name: Moulin
Age: 5 and a half

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Martin Buser
Musher currently running this dog: Tim Pappas
Team Position(s): Moulin will run in any position. He kind of does best in the team, but he’s a good leader, too. And, yeah, a super hard worker.

Number of completed Iditarod races: I think this will be his 4th.
Current Location: Iditarod Race Headquarters, Wasilla, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 4, 2020
Temperature: -4F / OUTDOORS

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

So Moulin’s personality, I would have to say that he’s one of the friendliest, most outgoing dogs that I’ve ever worked with and he’s happy to run anywhere in the team, next to anyone. He’s an incredibly hard worker and is actually the dad of a lot of the puppies that we have at the kennel.

What is that litter’s “theme” name and other siblings’ names from that litter?:


Moulin’s litter was named after glacial features. His siblings are Esker, Sarak, Nunatak, Drumlin and Moraine.

What is the bloodline?

His bloodline comes from Martin Buser’s kennel. His parents were both Iditarod dogs that raced with Martin and so are Moulin’s kids.

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