Name: “Sparky dooda” 
Age: 6 1/2

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Aliy Zirkle
Musher currently running this dog: Aliy Zirkle
Team Position(s): Lead, but also back in the team. 

Number of completed Iditarod races: 4
Current Location: Midtown, Anchorage, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 6, 2020
Temperature: 14 F outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Sparky’s personality is happy go lucky. There is no person, no animal, no bird, no cat, no dog he hasn’t met that he doesn’t love. He’s a little bit spontaneous, like he’ll do things that are unexpected and I think that’s just because, I don’t know, he’s a go-get-‘em kind of guy. But he doesn’t take anything seriously. He’s probably what a lot of us should strive to be to have a little more fun in our life.

What is that litter’s “theme” name and other siblings’ names from that litter?:

So Sparky was born in a large litter, litter of 11. Olivia’s his mom and Nacho’s his dad. He was born back in the summer when we were having some fire dangers up in Alaska and we were actually evacuated from our kennel. There was a fire right nearby. So mom was evacuated, big pregnant mom was evacuated, and she ended up whelping her puppies. We got home, two days later she whelped her puppies. So we named many of the puppies either after fire stuff like Spark, Nomex, but also after things that come up after a fire, because fires can be positive. So Embers, Violet, that kind of thing. So Spark’s named Sparky.

What is the bloodline?

So Olivia is his mom and she goes back to some Koyukuk River dogs from Steven Bergman and Alec Hackett. Then her dad is Nacho and he is out of Zorro, Lance Mackey breeding in combination with Jeff King, kind of Yuksi, Susan Butcher breeding.

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