Name: Fargey
Age: 5
Male or Female: Male
Owner: Aaron Peck
Musher currently running this dog: Aaron Peck
Team Position(s): He is a team dog, but can run lead.
Number of completed Iditarod races: 1
Current Location: Takotna, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 11, 2020
Temperature: -5 F outside
What are his/her unique personality characteristics?
Fargey’s personality is summed up by saying goofball. He’s a bit of a goofball, he’s always joking and pranking around with his brother Walrus. Although a little less so since he’s matured. Now he’s five years old so he is a little less of a goofball. But he’s never tired, always spunky, and the last dog to get tired.
What is that litter’s “theme” name?..
Fargey’s littermates, there is not a theme, but his brother Walrus and his other brother Willie and his sister Delta and his other brother Caveman were an exceptional group of dogs, very uniform and consistent and hardworking, loving dogs.
What is the bloodline?
Fargey’s bloodlines go back to, in part, John Baker. Some of the dogs that won the 2011 Iditarod are behind Fargey on his father’s side and some of Gerry Willomitzer’s bloodlines.