Name: Greg Closter

Age: 60

Residence: Eagle River, Alaska

Occupation:  I’m a veterinarian

Years involved with Iditarod: 5

Iditarod role: Veterinarian

Current Location: Kaltag, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 15, 2020
Temperature: 30F/Outdoors

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I got involved with Iditarod in 2016. I had long known about it just from news accounts and things like that. But I was working at a veterinary clinic in Wasilla, Alaska with a couple of the veterinarians, who were some of the first veterinarians on the Iditarod. I talked with them and went out with them on different things, looking at dogs and things like that, and was able to get on the Iditarod vet team through that.

What is your Why?..Why are you here today and involved in Iditarod?

I am here today and involved with the Iditarod, because I love working with the dogs. They’re amazing athletes. Just being able to help at this event. I’m also really glad that we’re keeping this tradition going, so I want to be part of that as well. So I’m basically helping the dogs, make sure they get any care they need, and keep this tradition alive.

Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences?

One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences was my first year when I was stationed at Ruby, and we were kind of kicked out of the church we were staying, because it was Sunday. So I had to sleep during the day outside amongst the dog yard. I was kind of wavering between consciousness and unconsciousness sleep, and I thought I heard a dog sniffing around me, which didn’t seem probable, because all the dogs were tied up to the line. I thought I was dreaming, and then I heard it again and still thought I was dreaming. Then I felt something and smelled something, and one of the dogs had gotten loose from its line and actually laid some diarrhea on my legs and walked away. So I had a sleeping bag full of dog diarrhea for the rest of the trip.


What do you know for sure?:

What I know for sure in life is that I want to make the most of it while I’m here. I really seek out adventures and things like that, because I think that’s what makes your life rich and fulfilling. I’m going to continue to do those until I’m not here anymore.

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