Name: Foam

Age: 3

Male or Female: Female
Owner: Joe Taylor

Musher currently running this dog: Joe Taylor

What Team position(s) does it run? She typically runs in the middle of the team. She can run lead, but I wouldn’t say she’s the most solid leader that I have, but she can step up and do it.

Number of completed Iditarod races? She’s a rookie in the Iditarod, as well as me.

Current Location: Willow, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 6, 2022
Temperature: 28F Outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Foam’s personality is really sweet. I mean, she’s definitely, when we do tours, she’s the tourist favorite. She knows that she’s pretty and she knows how to work it, and she thinks everyone is her friend. And so, even dogs that don’t want to be her friend, Foam’s going to go after and be like, “You’re my best buddy, let’s play.” And most dogs don’t want to put up with her, but she thinks everyone loves her.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

Foam’s litter was not named after a theme. I got two dogs, her and her brother, Nut. And so I just wanted one syllable fun names, so we had Foam and Nut in that litter.

What is the bloodline?

Foam is actually a Freudian-line Husky. I got her embarked and she’s actually a third Malamute with some Greenland Dog and Alaskan Husky in her. And being a third Malamute, she’s remarkably athletic and has kept up with a bunch of Alaskan Huskies. She comes from a kennel, Ryan and Sarah Freedman, in Nenana, Alaska.


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