Name: Vlad

Age: 1.5

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Peter Kaiser

Musher currently running this dog: Peter Kaiser

What Team Position(s) does it run? He runs in the middle of the team

Number of completed Iditarod races? 0

Current Location: McGrath, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 9, 2022
Temperature: 32F Outside & Snowing

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Vlad is, I guess, he’s new to the whole team, so still learning some of his personality, but he was a little skittish to start with. Not skittish so much, but just unsure of himself this fall with the training starting, his first year of training. He’s come around to build a lot more confidence this winter. And yeah, he’s doing pretty good. I usually don’t run yearlings, but he’s been pretty exceptional year and done all the training really well. So he’s doing good.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

Vlad’s litter theme was young baseball MLB stars, so he’s named after Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Not Vladimir Putin, which is not a very popular name right now. 

What is the bloodline?

Yeah, so Vlad is basically a mix of everything I’ve had in my yard for the last 10 years. So a lot of Jeff King blood and some Lance Mackey blood in there, and it all goes back to a dog named Shannon that I bought from Jeff 12 years ago. And that’s pretty much what all my team is out of. So, heavily influenced by Jeff King’s bloodline.



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