Name: Camo

Age: 5

Male or Female: Male

Owner: Ray Redington

Musher currently running this dog: Anna Berington

Team Position(s): He runs in lead. He runs a swing. He runs everywhere, but he’s very valuable up in the front of the team.

Number of completed Iditarod races: This is his first Iditarod.

Current Location: Iditarod Headquarters, Wasilla, AK

Date: March 1, 2023

Temperature: about 15 degrees.


What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

He’s a really fun dog. He’s very quiet and sweet, but once you get the harness out, he starts talking a whole bunch. And he seems to me like he’s old soul. He seems like he’s been there, done that kind of dog, even though he’s only five. So he just has a really great confidence, and just super sweetheart. Every time done with a run just up there and he’s crawling in my lap and everything like that. So he’s just a sweetheart.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

He didn’t have very many in his litter. Camo’s just that gray, I guess. But I mean, he didn’t really have many in the litter.

What is his/her Bloodlines?

His bloodline is of Redington bloodline mostly with some Jeff King stuff.



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