Name: Bjorn

Age: 2

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Jeff Deeter

Musher currently running this dog: Jeff Deeter
Team Position(s): Lead, team

Number of completed Iditarod races: 0

Current Location: Ceremonial Start Anchorage, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 5, 2022
Temperature: 30F Outside, Dumping snow

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Bjorn is definitely a tough guy. He is a boss of the trail. He’s exudes confidence and strength, which is pretty fun and is definitely a driven dog. He’s a motivated dog in the team, which is why he is a part of this year’s Iditarod.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

Bjorn’s litter was named after different Norwegians, famous Norwegian names. So the siblings are Hvitserk, Oyvind, Tolvi, Sigrid, and that’s it. 

What is the bloodline?

Bjorn’s bloodlines come from a combination of Mackey and Seavey. So his father is a Mackey Seavey cross, a dog that we bought from Lance that we bread with one of Mitch’s females. So his dad is named Moose, who’s one of the top dogs on my Iditarod team. And then his mom is a direct Seavey dog, so three quarters of genetics go back to Mitch’s dog yard.


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