Name: Candace Barath

Age: 28

Residence: Ohio

Occupation: Veterinarian

Years involved with the Iditarod: This is my first year of Iditarod

Iditarod Roles: My role is with the return dog team as a dog handler.

Current Location: Unalakleet, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 14, 2022

Temperature: 6F Outdoors, 68F Indoors

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I got involved with Iditarod after receiving about a phone call three weeks ago from a friend of a friend that said they needed some help. Talked with Liz Millman and we kind of hit it off. And so she had me come on down a week later.

What is your Why? Why are you here TODAY and involved with the Iditarod?

I am here today and involved with the Iditarod. And I am a veterinarian, so my love and appreciation for animals has brought me up here. Along with, everybody goes through those elementary school days of following the Iditarod and that stuck with me through the years. And so I’m here and happy to help.

Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences.

One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences is going out with two of my fellow handlers and finding lost dog in Anchorage. Jimbo. I got to capture him while he was distracted by my two partners.

What in life do you know for sure?

What I know for sure in life is that you need to jump at every experience because you never know what’ll end up or who you’ll be with because otherwise you’ll be missing out on a lot of cool things.

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