Name: Caswell

Age: 3

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Kathleen Frederick

Musher currently running this dog: Matt Paveglio

What Team Position(s) does it run?  Caswell is a team dog. I’ll run him up in swing. Usually when he has a stronger leader he can run lead or swing, as well. But this race he’s been pretty solid so I’m just leaving him right where he is.

Number of completed Iditarod races? He has run one Iditarod with Susie Tumanelly.

Current Location: McGrath, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 10, 2022
Temperature: 19F Outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

He’s a goofy boy. He’s kind of a lover. He just can run with any male on the team, any female, which is kind of an amazing trait. Just blends into the team and runs with whoever.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

He’s part of the Alaskan city litter.

What is the bloodline?

He is Seavey bloodlines.




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