Name: Chere
Age: 2 1/2

Male or Female: Female
Owner: Linwood Fiedler
Musher currently running this dog: Fabio Berlusconi
Team Position(s): Wheel, but she’s my up-and-coming star leader

Number of completed Iditarod races: This is her 2nd.

Current Location: Ruby, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 14, 2020
Temperature: 30F outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Chere’s personality is basically the one of a princess. She’s so classy. She is so sweet. And when you bootie her, she just tries to nibble your fingers just out of love. But she’s a princess, she’s just … But inside, she is crazy. She jumps up and down the counter, table, anything she finds. But she’s truly my princess.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?..
Chere’s leader was part of the Cajun leader. So all the names, all the eight puppies have things regarding Cajuns. So I have Cajun himself in the team. And I have Patat and Zydeco. There’s eight of them in the litter.  

What is the bloodline?

So Chere’s father is named Avalanche, and he used to belong to Mats Pettersson. He’s a superstar at … He’s done five Iditarods and two Yukon Quests. And he’s only seven years old, and he’s finished them all, so he’s a superstar.

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