Name: Collin Fay
Age: 33
Residence: Wasilla, Alaska
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
Years involved with Iditarod: I believe it’s about eight, somewhere around there.
Iditarod Role: I am a load coordinator with the Iditarod Air Force. 

Current Location: Lakefront Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 5, 2020
Temperature: 68 F inside

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I got involved with the Iditarod eight years ago because of my love for animals. I have spent my entire life around dogs, cats, all sorts of critters. I used to volunteer at a shelter back when I was in college. And it’s a great way to give back to a community of people who absolutely love and cherish their animals. And so, this is how I can help out.

What is your Why?.. Why are you here today and involved in Iditarod?

I’m here today as a load coordinator so that I can get all of our canine athletes, our volunteers, our staff out onto the trail, and get them back safely. My job is to make sure that everyone gets out to where they need to be, the supplies get to where they need to be, the musher bags get to where they need to be, and that everybody makes it home safely and with a smile on their face.

Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences?

One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences was when the race was rerouted for the first time up in Fairbanks since 2002, so this would’ve been the late 2000s, early 2010s. We were the first team into Manley Hot Springs, and it was about 50 below and being greeted by a community who hadn’t seen the race in over a decade, and was absolutely thrilled to host the race. They were so helpful and it was just such a positive experience. Everybody in the community was there to help out, to enjoy and make it a great experience for the racers, the volunteers, the vets, everyone. It was just a blast.

What do you know for sure?:

What I know for sure in life is that I have an amazing daughter who I get to go home to and give a hug and kiss, and I know that she loves me and I love her back.

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