Name: Deilig

Age: 7

Male or Female: Female
Owner: Mats Pettersson

Musher currently running this dog: Mats Pettersson

What Team Position(s) does it run? She run in all positions.

Number of completed Iditarod races? 1

Current Location: Willow, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 6, 2022
Temperature: 28F Outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Deilig is super happy dog, always ready to go and she’s super happy and the spirit in the team. She barking and running and so on so she’s the spirit in the team.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

The dogs in their litter is named after kind animals. So Deilig means kind in Norwegian and Swedish, so that’s where.

What is the bloodline?

 Norwegian bloodlines from Ralph Johanesson in Norway, from mountains and so on so it’s a well…It’s a big female. She’s over 65 pounds big and well coated.


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