Name: Dolores Currier

Age: 68

Residence: North Carolina

Occupation: Currently I am a dog trainer at Sound Dog Training Center in Newport.

Years involved with Iditarod: This is my first year

Iditarod Role: I am working as a checking in for volunteers here, as well as at the official start.

Current Location: Lakefront Hotel

Date of Photo: March 2. 2023

Temperature: 20 degrees


What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I got involved with the Iditarod back 13 years ago when I first came and I went to the Iditarod headquarters, that just got my love into the Iditarod. And I’ve always wanted to volunteer to work the Iditarod, and I was able to get a friend to join me this year.

What is your Why? Why are you here TODAY and involved with the Iditarod?

So I’m here today and involved with the Iditarod because I just love dogs and the sport of it, and it’s excitement and it brings people together and it’s just a wonderful experience and I encourage people to just do it.

Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences:

One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences was going to meeting Martin Buser and working at the check-in desk, meeting people from different countries. I met a lovely couple from France, another person from Switzerland. So I’m meeting people from all over the world. It’s an incredible experience. I’ve met the veterinarians who checked the dogs for their health. I’ve met the mushers. It’s just wonderful. I have so many exciting memories, I can’t wait to get back home and tell people about it.

What in life do you know for sure?

What I know for sure in life is if you’ve got a dream and you want to go for it, go for it. It is worth it. It’s just been a wonderful experience. I love it.


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