Name: Faff

Age: 4

Male or Female: Female
Owner: Ryne Olson
Musher currently running this dog: Ryne Olson
Team Position(s): She will run mostly in team

Number of completed Iditarod races: 1, this is her second

Current Location: Ceremonial Start Anchorage, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 5, 2022
Temperature: 32F Outside, Dumping snow

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Faff’s personality is pretty playful. She gets along with literally everyone and loves to play, especially with young males. Those are her favorite play buddies. She’s very excited, barks a lot on the line, a good cheerleader. She will run and lead, but she’s almost just too playful to be a really great lead dog. She gets distracted with things, wants to chase a squirrel, wants to go off the trail. So yeah, she makes for a fantastic team dog and just gets along with literally every single dog in the kennel. So she’s a lot of fun.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

Faff’s litter was actually… Her litter’s actually named after sharks. So, all of her siblings are named after different kinds of sharks, and she’s a unique one in the litter. My sister-in-law is from Great Britain, and so Faff is a British word. And basically it’s like when you’re trying to leave your house, and you’re acting really busy, and you are grabbing this and grabbing that, but you’re not really accomplishing anything. You’re faffing about. And so that’s where her name came from, which luckily Faff does not Faff. She’s very driven. She does a great job, but yeah, that’s where that name came from.

What is the bloodline?

So Faff, her dad is a dog named Goblin and Goblin has been one of my main leaders for a very long time. Goblin came from Sebastian, Chile and his Goblin’s lines are a mixture of Seavey and Mackey. And then her mom is a dog who… her name is Yam and Yam comes from mixture of Buser and I guess, King. I mean, literally all of the older foundational kennels, she has a little bit of all of that. But I have several dogs who are out of those lines, and they just are super happy, super playful, friendly, like great and big group romps, some of my favorite dogs.

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