Name: Five, High five
Age: 5 1/2

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Aliy Zirkle
Musher currently running this dog: Aliy Zirkle
Team Position(s): He will run at lead but I may bring him back a bit.

Number of completed Iditarod races: 3
Current Location: Midtown, Anchorage, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 6, 2020
Temperature: 14 F outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

So Five…. Five’s personality is, he takes things a little more seriously, but I would say he’s a lover. A lover and a cuddler. He’d be the first dog who… actually, he’s named High Five because he comes up and paws you with his paw. So, he’s a lover and a cuddler, but he takes his job seriously. So, once he’s in harness, he’s like, “Yeah. Whatever. Get out of the way.”

What is that litter’s “theme” name and other siblings’ names from that litter?:

The litter… his name is High Five because he was actually the fifth puppy born on that litter and he likes to high five. We didn’t really have any kind of theme there. Sometimes we have themes, sometimes we don’t. His brother’s name is Rodney. His other brother’s name is Scooby, my nephew named Scooby. Lastly, his little brother was named Ernie, after Ernest Shackleton, to be honest. Then, his sister was the only ginger-colored puppy in the litter and her name’s Ginger. 

What is the bloodline?

Five is a little bit of a similar combination to many of our dogs at the kennel. His mom is Chica, who is the… Chica, Nacho, and Quito are the main dogs that we bred for a number of years. Chica’s mom is a Yuksi Jeff King, Susan Butcher dog and her dad is a Zorro, Lance Mackey dog. So that’s one side of his family. The other side of his family is Clyde. Clyde is a dog that was bred – Paul Gebhardt had a phenomenal lineage and that went back to Lieutenant and Governor and those dogs down on the Kenai Peninsula. 

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