Name: Foxtrot
Age: 4

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Linwood Fiedler
Musher currently running this dog: Linwood Fiedler
Team Position(s): Everywhere; front and back, middle.

Number of completed Iditarod races: This is his 2nd.

Current Location: Galena, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 15, 2020
Temperature: 30F outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

This is Foxtrot and he’s an amazing dog. It’s so much fun because when you take off on a run, he barks for about the first 15 miles. That is just… It drives me kinda nuts, but he’s really happy. So he’s going roof, roof… And he does that for like an hour and a half and he finally settles in. He’s a happy, cheerful fellow.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?..
So this is Foxtrot. And we name our puppies when they’re born by themes. And the theme for this litter was dances. So he’s Foxtrot. We have Two Step and of course we couldn’t leave out the famous New Zealand Haka.

What is the bloodline?

Foxtrot’s bloodline is primarily out of our kennel. And we’ve been doing this for a long time, about 40 years. We’ve got, we think, a pretty good breeding program going on. So he’s kind of an internal kennel breeding puppy.

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