Name: Frank Teasley

Residence: Jackson, Wyoming

Age: 60

Occupation: Dog musher. I have 200 dogs there.

Years involved with Iditarod: I ran, I believe, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’94, ’95, ’96.

Past Iditarod Roles: Musher

Current Location: Settler’s Bay Lodge in Wasilla, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 1, 2022

Temperature: 68 F Indoors

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I got involved in the Iditarod because I used to run track, cross country and raced long distance bikes. And I always liked the distance. I read about an article about a race across Alaska in probably ’79 and it intrigued me and, fortunately, it turned out I was okay at it. I’ve been involved with it ever since.

What was one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences?

The Iditarod is the Iditarod. It’ll always be the Iditarod. As far as the most memorable experience, they’ve always been memorable. I tell people it’s not for everybody, but there’s never two years alike. It’s intriguing. I’m not done, but we’ll see what happens next.

What does the 50th running of the Iditarod mean to you?

Well, first of all, I wasn’t here 50 years ago. I’m very honored to be invited to this dinner and see all the names I grew up around. Yeah, I’m just honored to be here this evening. I flew clear from Wyoming just for dinner. With knowing this is a 50th Iditarod makes me feel, I’d have to respond to that by saying no two Iditarods are ever the same. Every year’s an adventure and that’s why I keep doing it because, otherwise, it’d get boring, right? I’m not done. I might be back next year, the next year. I’ve got two teams up here in other races and got over 200 dogs and we’re still in the game, but I’m just playing a coach and sponsor, I guess.

What do you know for sure?:

What I know for sure life is, you can’t get to the finish line unless you can make it to the starting line, period.


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