Name: Garnet

Age: 5

Male or Female: Female

Team Position(s): She runs in the front after the team swing, and then does some leading as well.

Number of completed Iditarod races: This’ll be her third.

Current Location: Willow Community Center

Date: March 5, 2023

Temperatuere: -7



What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Garnet is a very personable dog. She loves to break trail. She loves to run and lead. She’s beginning to be more of a leader every day that goes by, but she’s also very calm and conservative as well. She’s not a dog that’s jumping and barking and banging a lot. She kind of just stands there and waits to do her job.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

So, which many of my dogs are like, the dog’s name is Garnit and she is named after Rocks. So Rio and Marble were her siblings.

What is the bloodline?

Her bloodlines Mackey and back to my dog, Silver. So Sass and Mackey genetics.



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