Name: Gypsy

Age: 4

Male or Female: Female
Owner: Matt Hall

Musher currently running this dog: Matt Hall

What Team Position(s) does it run? She’s actually a perfect anywhere dog. If it’s early in the race, she likes being at lead, and does quite well up there. Later in the race, she slows us down a little bit. She mostly just ran in team this year, but she can go anywhere. I use her at wheel too, so good jack-of-all-trades.

Number of completed Iditarod races? 4

Current Location: Nome, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 16, 2022
Temperature: 3F Outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Gypsy’s personality is, she’s kind of like the go getter of the team. Anytime we start an uphill, and we start slowing down a little bit, she’s always screaming, which is super awesome for the team. It gets the whole team riled up so we can be climbing up the hill, and I’m just walking next to the sled. And she just starts yelling, and hollering, and getting after it. It gets the whole team fired up. So, she’s that team spirit of conquering the hills. That’s what she’s all about.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

All of my guys are alphabetically ordered. So, we’re not too far down the alphabet. So we’ve got, so she’s just the ‘G’ litter. We’ve got Gypsy, and Gimli, and Gouda. And so anyway, you know who they’re related to as well as their age down the road. So, our oldest one here was the ‘A’ theme, Ace over there. She’s the first one to kick that off.

What is the bloodline?

I mean, she’s like… God, what is she? I don’t know. I mean, for most of these guys, you could just say Hall lines at this point. Actually she has a split litter with Goblin who now Ryan Olson owns, but was from… Sebastian Schnuelle. So, half Schnuelle lines?




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