Name: Heart
Age: 3

Male or Female: Female
Owner: Bob Bundson
Musher currently running this dog: Bob Bundson
Team Position(s): She runs a team dog, pretty much everywhere. She leads also.He kind of does best in the team, but he’s a good leader, too.

Number of completed Iditarod races: This is her first one.
Current Location: Iditarod Race Headquarters, Wasilla, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 4, 2020
Temperature: -4F / OUTDOORS

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Heart is a hard driving dog. She’s one – of her liter, she’s the hardest driving dog. She leads quite a bit. She’s a young dog, so she’s just learning, but she is one of the hardest pulling dogs in the team. I wish she was a little bigger. Heart’s litter was named after cards. So we have Diamond, joker, Heart and…

What is that litter’s “theme” name and other siblings’ names from that litter?:

Heart’s litter was named after cards. So we have Diamond, joker, Heart and…

What is the bloodline?

Yeah, she’s goes back to Solomon, and an old leader of ours named Mercury. She came out of various bloodlines, so there’s probably three or four different bloodlines in her.

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