Name: Jane Holmes
Age: 53
Residence: Alaska
Occupation: I teach sixth grade.
Years involved with Iditarod: 4
Iditarod Role:
Current Location: Takotna, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 11, 2020
Temperature: 5F/Outdoors
What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?
I first got involved with Iditarod as a teacher in Phoenix, Arizona when I found a book about, Iditarod champions, and thought this would be a great hook for my students who live in the desert. So I decided to come up and volunteer for a race in 2005, so I could have some real life examples for them.
What is your Why?..Why are you here today and involved in Iditarod?
I’m here and involved in Iditarod today because of the stories. The story of dog sledding, the history of the people and this remote place, the stories of the athletes, the stories of the local people. Every year there’s a story, something new and interesting, and you can’t get that anywhere else but here.
Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences?
My most memorable Iditarod experience is when I was teacher on the trail in 2008, and I was in McGrath sitting down at the table eating, and Rick Swenson came and sat down across the table from me. I handed him the race standings and asked him if he’d like to see them. And he asked me, “How do you know who I am?” And I said, “Well everybody knows who you are.” And he scooted over and sat right across from me, and we sat and talked for a long, long time. He told me about his childhood, and how he came to Alaska, and all about dog mushing. And I consider that a very unique and precious experience.
What do you know for sure?:
I know for sure that there are lots of people in places in the world, and that I would like to try to experience as many of those things as I can.