Name: Jeff Grelson
Age: 62
Residence: Trapper Creek, Alaska
Occupation: Colonel, United States Marine Corps, retired.
Years involved with Iditarod: 10
Iditarod Role: Combination security and trail guard
Current Location: Downtown, Anchorage, Alaska. 
Date of Photo: March 7, 2020
Temperature: 14F/Outdoors

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I got involved with Iditarod the first time in 2006. My wife and I were here actually getting married in Hope, Alaska, and we thought it was a good thing to do because we are great fans of the Iditarod and have been for many years. She grew up here in Alaska so she introduced me to the dogs and to the Iditarod and we’ve been pretty much involved ever since.

What is your Why?..Why are you here today and involved in Iditarod?

I’m here today and involved with the Iditarod because it’s a chance for me to give back and to continue to serve. There’s so many people that it takes to put the Iditarod on that are behind the scenes, and being one of those is a chance. It’s fun and it’s a chance to, of course, to be near the dogs and near the mushers and near people who appreciate all that and to share our Alaska with lots of people.

Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences?

One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences is that because my wife and I run a B&B in the middle of nowhere, Trapper Creek, Alaska, it’s called North Country B&B. We get a chance to serve a lot of the mushers who come up and down the Parks Highway, Lance Mackey and Jeff, and lots of people have stopped by. So getting to know them and to see a little bit behind the scenes of what it takes to be a world-class dog musher and to get to know them as friends has been just a very, very special experience for me. And so my wife and I just love to serve them and to have them come by. Just sometimes they just stop to say hello, have a cup of coffee. Other times they’ll bring their dogs and spend the night. So getting to know them and of course, Jeff Schultz, and the leadership team, the volunteer leaders behind the Iditarod has been a real blessing for us. We really appreciate it. 

What do you know for sure?:

Well, I would say what I know for sure in life is first of all, that the Marine Corps is the best outfit on the planet. Marines are very special people. They are very much as I am, and as we all are, into serving and giving. So being a part of the Marine Corps for 32 years or more has been a real blessing for me. And the other thing I know is God is good.

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