Name: Jennifer Ambrose
Age: 39 – again!
Residence: Chugiak, Alaska
Occupation: Optician
Years involved with Iditarod: 19
Iditarod Role: Straw & Musher Food drop coordinator, Restart and Nome volunteer
Current Location: Airland Transport Warehouse, Anchorage
Date of Photo: February 13, 2019
Temperature: 60F / indoors
What is your Why?.. Why are you here today and involved in Iditarod?:
I’m here because I love everything about this. I love the people. I love the dogs. I love everything. it’s like a big family reunion.
Why Iditarod? What does Iditarod mean to you?:
What’s special about Iditarod is again the family thing. It’s just getting together with people that you often times see just once a year, and it’s just the most enjoyable thing in the world.
What word or two describes your motivation to be here?:
What do you know for sure?:
I know nothing for sure. That’s what makes it an adventure.