Name: King
Age: 5

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Thomas Waerner
Musher currently running this dog: Thomas Waerner
Team Position(s): He’s mostly in the back of the team.

Number of completed Iditarod races: This is his first.

Current Location: Takotna, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 11, 2020
Temperature: -5 F outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

King is as crazy dog. He’s barking and screaming and always in a good mood. And he loves to be petted. He’s a woman’s dog. He will melt every woman’s heart. Well, if the K, so it’s I, it’s King curl and that I didn’t see him and K2 that aren’t in the team.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?..
Well, it’s the” K,” so it’s King, Kurl and K2 that are in the team.

What is the bloodline?

And the bloodline here comes from Ramey Brooks and into the Norwegian Greenland husky dogs.

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