Name: Michelle Denny
Age: 44
Residence: Chugiak, Alaska.
Occupation: Nurse Practitioner
Years involved with Iditarod: 8
Iditarod Role: I’m on the urine collection team.
Current Location: Restart in Willow, Alaska 

Date of Photo: March 8, 2020
Temperature: 24F/Outdoors

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I got involved in Iditarod back in 2013, because of my love for dogs, and another nurse got me involved in it. 

What is your Why?..Why are you here today and involved in Iditarod?

I’m here today to collect drug samples, and I keep coming back because of my love for dogs, and knowing that I’m doing my part in keeping the team safe.

Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences?One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences was being able to go on the trail last year for the first time, in 2019.

What do you know for sure?:

What I know for sure in life is I will continue volunteering for the Iditarod on the drug collection team, as long as I’m able.

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