Name: Nikki Preston

Age: 33

Residence:  Fairbanks, Alaska

Occupation:  Veterinarian

Years involved with Iditarod: 3

Iditarod Roles: Trail Veterinarian

Current Location: McGrath, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 9, 2022

Temperature: 34F Outdoors & Snowing

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I first became involved with Iditarod four years ago. I came up just for the ceremonial start. I had no idea that there were veterinarians on the trail. Was hanging out in Darwin’s Theory in Anchorage and someone asked if I was going out on the trail and I was like, “Whoa, that would be awesome.” So I applied the next year and it’s been every year since then and hopefully every year for the foreseeable future.

What is your Why? Why are you here TODAY and involved with the Iditarod? 

I’m here today and involved with Iditarod because when I was about nine years old I visited the Balto statue in Central Park and have always just dreamed about Iditarod, going to see the start. And I guess I came up four years ago and it’s been downhill ever since. Now I live in a kennel, a dog kennel in Fairbanks with one of the mushers. So yeah, total change in lifestyle, but I love it up here and I don’t anticipate going back too much.

Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences.

One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences was two years ago in Ophir. I met a musher on the trail and now I live at his kennel and he taught me how to mush and it’s Deke Naaktgeboren at Nautique Sky. So since then I’ve started mushing, got a job in Fairbanks and yeah, basically a handler slash kennel attendant and also a veterinarian on the trail.

What in life do you know for sure?

What I know for sure in life is to follow your dreams. Never let anybody tell you that you can’t do something, but always answer the bell. So have fun and do what you love doing and you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s what my dad always said.

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