Name: Pearl

Age: 6

Male or Female: Female
Owner: Riley Dyche

Musher currently running this dog: Riley Dyche
Team Position(s): Team, Wheel

Current Location: Willow, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 6, 2022
Temperature: 30F Outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Pearl is extremely loud, almost obnoxiously. She’s a mega cheerleader. She’s always screaming. Right now I can hear her back there, whining in the background. She’s stoked to do anything, whether it’s getting in a dog box, getting out of a dog box, going for a run, getting a harness, going in the house, anything that’s happening, she wants to be part of. Super, super, just outgoing and excitable. She’s the mom to two litters in my kennel because of that and passes on pretty prominently and her puppies are all very loud and excitable, also.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

Pearl is part of the Pearl Jam litter. So her brothers are Jam and Vedder, Eddie Vedder. So Pearl, Jam and Vedder.

What is the bloodline?

Pearl’s mom was from Jessica Hendricks. So her mom completed a couple Iditarod with Jessica, really tough old kind of Tanana lines mixed with those old school D2 and Dave (Martin Buser) lines. And then her dad is the same dad as Elway over there. So old Hayashida-Swingley-Buser line. So just a lot of old Buser in her, which is I think where her extreme excitability comes from.


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