Name: Prophet

Age: 7

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Dallas Seavey

Musher currently running this dog: Dallas Seavey
Team Position(s): Lead

Number of completed Iditarod races: 3

Current Location: Ceremonial Start Anchorage, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 5, 2022
Temperature: 30F Outside, Dumping snow

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

Prophet’s personality is unique. He’s a very playful, curious, and confident dog. His biggest personality quirk is that he has a really hard time running next to anybody else on the team. He’s almost always running by himself or with a female on the team. But mostly he loves to lead. He wants to be in front, he wants to drive down the trail, and that is a really unique thing because it is the hardest position in the team. He is just that supreme of an athlete that his … That coupled with his personality of being a little bit of a loner, a little bit of an out-fronter, that he wants to be up there by himself just getting the job done and anybody else that’s next to him is probably in his way. At least that’s how he views it. 

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

Prophet’s litter was named as the religious leaders. I thought it was fitting. They’re all phenomenal leaders. So there’s Prophet, Bishop, and Lama. All three of them were phenomenal lead dogs and excellent racing dogs as well. Phenomenal athletes the whole lot of them. 

What is the bloodline?

Prophet’s bloodline is a mix. His father is Reef, who was my super leader that won numerous Iditarods with me. And Reef it goes straight back into the stuff that I grew up racing with my dad and developing there. Prophet’s mother is a little bit of a prodigy dog as well. Her name is Bumble and she is actually the offspring of a unique cross from Lance Mackey’s super leader Zorro and one of Jeff King’s super females named Shannon. So it’s kind of the Jeff King Zorro cross is his mother. Incidentally his mother is a litter mate to Beetle, who is my super leader. But Beetle is a neutered male, so I couldn’t breed him. So I sought out his sister and made that cross happen. And that’s where Prophet came from. So yeah, Seavey, King, Mackey.


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