Name: Rice

Age: 3

Male or Female: Male
Owner: Anja Radano
Musher currently running this dog: Anja Radano
Team Position(s): Rice’s team position is he runs in lead a lot and any other position.

Number of completed Iditarod races: This will be his first one.

Current Location: Ceremonial Start Anchorage, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 5, 2022
Temperature: 32F Outside

What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

So, Rice’s personality is very friendly, he loves people, very excited about things and new things. He’s a smart guy who likes to run of lead.

What is that litter’s “theme” name and other siblings’ names from that litter?:

So the dog’s name is Rice. He has a sister named Beans. It was a split litter, a litter I split with Jeff King, and he named his dogs his own way, I don’t know.

What is the bloodline?

So, his blood lines are mostly out of Jeff King lines. He goes back to Barnum, and his dad was Earl, and his mom is my dog butcher, who is also a Jeff King line dog, so he’s Jeff King lines.

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