Name: Robert Redington
Age: 31
Residence: Willow, Alaska
Occupation: Dog Musher Guide

Years involved with Iditarod: I’ve been around Iditarod my whole life. My family has been racing in it since it started. Now I’ve been in it the last five years.
Iditarod Role: Dog musher
Current Location: Iditarod Race headquarters, Wasilla, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 4, 2020
Temperature: –4F outside

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I got involved with Iditarod, I was born into the sport. My family’s had dogs since 1948. My grandfather, Joe Redington, Senior, Father of the Iditarod, and I grew up watching him, my dad, my older brothers race. 

What is your Why?.. Why are you here today and involved in Iditarod?

Yeah, I’m here racing today. I really enjoy the lifestyle and being out with my sled dogs. I bred and raised every one but one on the team this year. It’s like watching my kids go to school or watching them do the Iditarod.

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