Name: Sandra Yencho
Age: 40
Residence: New York City
Occupation: Architect
Years involved with Iditarod: This is the first time
Iditarod Role: Tourist
Current Location: Downtown, Anchorage, Alaska. 
Date of Photo: March 7, 2020
Temperature: 15F/Outdoors

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I got involved with the Iditarod because my sister’s been following it online for about two years now. She’s a huge fan of Quince Mountain and Blair Braverman. And so excited to be here. I didn’t know anything about dog mushing or dog racing before I got here. I’m learning everything about Alaska, Alaska culture. It’s beautiful.

What is your Why?..Why are you here today and involved in Iditarod?

I’m here today and involved with the Iditarod because I wanted to come and experience Alaskan culture, learn about the Iditarod, and learn about the beautiful people that mush dogs, and about a huge racing experience of 1100 miles.

Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences?

So far, my favorite memory is spending time with my sister, seeing the warmth and smiles of the faces out here at the Iditarod. And just enjoying the excitement that everything that has to be offered with the Iditarod.

What do you know for sure?:

What I know for sure in life is it’s always about the journey. I love the unknown and finding something that you need to discover every day because that brings joy to life. 

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