Name: Seabiscuit

Age: 5

Male or Female: Male

Owner: Jed Stephensen

Musher currently running this dog: Jed Stephensen

Team Position(s): He is my main lead dog. The big cheese, I like to call him.

Number of completed Iditarod races: He has not completed any Iditarods. This is our rookie year.

Current Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Date: March 4, 2023

Temperature: Zero degrees



What are his/her unique personality characteristics?

He is a very good lead dog. Very loyal to me, doesn’t like being around other people. Yeah, has a very smooth gait. And he’s a very good eater, which is very important. His personality he’s very stoic. He’s reserved, very wolf-like, doesn’t like to be around very many humans.

What is that litter’s “theme” name?…and other siblings’ names from that litter?

I bought him, so I don’t know the theme of his name, the siblings.

What is the bloodline?

He comes from Josie Tier, and she has bloodlines through Scott Smith bloodlines.



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