Name: The GHAH Group
Kristen Vigliano, — 42 years old- from Dillsburg, Pennsylvania.
Christina Forten-Mauer. 38 years old- from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, also known as Central Pennsylvania.
Amy Mustacchio — 38 years old- from Edders, Pennsylvania.
Occupation: All are licensed veterinarian technicians and work together
Iditarod Role: Security and return dog handler
Current Location: Downtown Anchorage Ceremonial Start, Anchorage, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 1, 2025
Temperature: 30F outside

What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?:


My name is Kristen Vigliano. I first became involved with the Iditarod, just interest in working dogs and athletic breeds, and we’re veterinary technicians. So we handle this type of dog all the time and we wanted to be part of something great and adventurous.

My name is Christina Forten-Mauer. So I first became involved in the Iditarod because again, as a licensed technician, I’ve always had a dream to work with the dog sleds, and the dog handlers. So obviously since it’s our first time, we’re at least getting our foot in the door being return dog handlers.

My name is Amy Mustacchio. I first became involved with Iditarod because we had a client at our veterinary hospital who had an animal who was retired, and she talked all about it. It sounded amazing. I asked my fellow co-workers, and we did some research, and here we are, and we’re hoping to come back, maybe next year.

What is your Why? Why are you here TODAY and involved with the Iditarod?

My name is Kristin Vigliano. I am here today involved the Iditarod because I love dogs, I love working dogs, and athletic breeds, and just doing something meaningful with my co-workers

My name is Christina Forten-Mauer. I’m here today and involved in Iditarod because again, as a licensed technician, I have a love and passion to be working with the dogs.

My name is Amy Mustacchio. I’m here today and involved with Iditarod because I thought it would be a wonderful experience to get to see how this is. And again, I enjoy working with animals and it is what we do every day. Just doing a different state.

Tell me about your most memorable Iditarod experiences?:


My name is Kristin Vigliano. One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences so far, today is my most memorable Iditarod experience because we’re here, we finally see the dogs and we’re hearing them bark and it’s just all becoming really amazing. But we’ll make more experiences.

My name is Christina Forten-Mauer, and again, one of my most memorable experiences at the Iditarod so far is being… My most memorable experience at Iditarod is being here today. We weren’t supposed to be able to be involved, and last minute, since we walked out, they knew we were licensed technicians and said, “Hey, come on, help.” And that was just so memorable.

My name is Amy Mustacchio. One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences actually is today. Because, like Christina, again, we weren’t involved. We just found someone we went to a training class with and he was like, “Hey, you want to help?” And here we are. We’re excited.


What do you know for sure?:


My name is Kristin Vigliano and what I know for sure in life is the friendship and loyalty of my friends.

My name is Christina Forten-Mauer, and what I know for sure in life is I love being a licensed veterinary technician.

My name is Amy Mustacchio and what I know for sure in life is that I’ll forever never forget this experience, and will definitely tell other people to do it. It’s amazing. Thank you so much.

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