Name: Vicki Huntman

Age: 70

Residence: Phoenix, Arizona

Occupation: I am actually kind of retired now.

Years involved with Iditarod: This is my first year with Iditarod.

Iditarod Role: I’ve signed up for as many things as I can, Mushers Banquet, volunteer registration, Musher Parking, Restart. Gosh. Helped set up the Returned Dog Watch and still taking on things.

Current Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Date of Photo: March 2, 2023

Temperature: Temperature is cold. I’m from Phoenix, so it’s cold.


What, who or how and when did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I first became involved with the Iditarod when I joined in 2019, checking online. Pete Kaiser was the first winner. I became hooked. I was rooting for Pete Kaiser ever since. Then, this year, I decided to jump in as a volunteer.

What is your Why? Why are you here TODAY and involved with the Iditarod?

I am here today and involved with Iditarod because I couldn’t stay away.

Tell me about just one of your most memorable Iditarod experiences:

One of my most memorable Iditarod experiences was hearing that Nic Petit had to scratch one year because he scolded a dog for bugging another dog while eating, and the whole team lost spirit and wouldn’t run for him. That was big.

What in life do you know for sure?

What I know for sure in life is that life is good.


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