Name: Don Bruggman

Age: 85
Residence: Spenard, Alaska

Occupation: I’m retired

Years involved with Iditarod: I can’t remember how many years, but from almost the very beginning

Past Iditarod Roles: I was on the board of directors of the Iditarod for several years. 

Current Location:Settler’s Bay Lodge in Wasilla, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 1, 2022

Temperature: 68 F Indoors

How did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I was on the board of directors of the Iditarod for several years. But my claim to late fame, I guess, is that I was the vice president of cargo for Wing Air Alaska. And one of my staff suggested that we ship the dog food, all their supplies, to the checkpoints, free. And I went to Ray Peterson and he agreed to that; because my secretary at Wing Air Alaska was Gail Phillips and of course Gail Phillips is famous as being one of the originators. Her and her husband Wal with Joe Redington started the Iditarod.

What does the 50th running of the Iditarod mean to you?

The 50th running of the Iditarod is a couple of things. The first thing is, it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long ago. The other thing about the 50th running is … it proves to me, and I recall at the time when I was really involved, the Iditarod is something that the whole State of Alaska from Ketchikan to Kotzebue, everybody in the state is behind, roots for or interested in the Iditarod.

What do you know for sure?:

And I know for sure about the Iditarod in Alaska is I’m very, very thankful that we, my wife and I, moved to Alaska in 1965. And our only regret is we didn’t move here in 1945.



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