Name: Bill Cotter

Age: 76
Residence: Nenana, Alaska

Occupation: I’m retired but I give sled rides

Years involved with Iditarod: 50

Current Location:Settler’s Bay Lodge in Wasilla, Alaska
Date of Photo: March 1, 2022

Temperature: 68 F Indoors

How did you first get involved with the Iditarod?

I first got involved in the Iditarod through my friendship with Joe Reddington Sr. and I volunteered. I was the first checker for the first checkpoint for the first Iditarod in Knik and I ran the Iditarod 20 times.

What was your most memorable Iditarod experience?

One of my most unforgettable experiences, I went through the ice land, the South Fork Kuskokwim river in 1975. Up to my waist in water and took me about half hour to get out. And for some reason I was able to get out, get my sled out and all the dogs out, went to an island, got deep snow and rubbed it all over the dogs and myself and just survived the night. It was about 50 below zero. I took off again.

What does the 50th running of the Iditarod mean to you?

This being the 50th anniversary reminds me of all my old friends and I look forward to seeing them. It’s amazing that 50 years has gone by. It’s unbelievable.

What do you know for sure?:

I know for sure about life, if you keep a positive attitude, you’ll have a positive life. That I know.



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